Departmental policies.

The central and the State Government accepted Cooperative Movement as a means for economic development and is a via media of “ism” between capital and socialism. Cooperative Movements in the country becomes a State subject with the enhancement of reformed Cooperative Societies Act, 1919. To this end State formulate policies, evolve programmes, and earmark budget outlays to promote and strengthen Cooperatives. On recommendation of Rural Credit Survey Committee 1945, the promotion of cooperatives was accepted as a part of State policy in the development of various economic activities. This policy led to State partnership in the share capital investment of Cooperatives and in their management.


State-aid, however, cannot be made perpetual feature of cooperative movement. It should be made available just like the support under a cement structure, which is withdrawn as soon as the cement is set. In other words State aid should help the Cooperatives to help themselves.



The Chief objective of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies is for the promotion and development of Cooperative Societies. Cooperative society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It imbibes the value of self-help, self-dependent, democracy, equality and solidarity.

The objectives of the department are:-

  • To make its movements as an instrument of democratic planning, combining initiative, mutual benefit and social purpose, cooperative must be an essential feature of the programme for implementation of economic planning.
  • Cooperative agencies in the village to have the closest possible relationship with the Cooperative Society cleave together with the Village Development Board (VDB). And with this object an attempt has been made to have in each village a Cooperative Society Ltd., which is a recommended policy of the State Governments so as to cater to the multiple needs of its people (Member of Cooperative Society).
  • To revive and re-vitalize the Cooperative credit sector by way of re-structuring in line with the policies adopted by the Government of Nagaland from time to time, with an aim to facilitate agricultural credit as well as micro-financial to the rural people.
  • To promote and develop marketing network through Cooperatives in harnessing agricultural production.


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