ICDP schemes

Implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (ICDP), PHASE-II. The State of Nagaland, under the category of Cooperatively Least developed state started implementation of the NCDC Schemes for Primary Cooperative Societies from the year 1987 onwards. ICDP which is an NCDC sponsored scheme started in Nagaland during 1989. The State Level Coordination Committee (SLCC) agreed to

Published on : July 20, 2021
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)

The department of Cooperation has been implementing this important agriculture intervention CSS program under the department of Agriculture. Cooperation department has been allocated with the scheme- Mobilization of Farmers. Under this sub-scheme, the department is involved in the mobilization of farmers by forming Commodity/Farmers Interested Groups, Skill Enhancement trainings, providing credit linkages, Exhibitions and Melas,

Published on : July 20, 2021

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