Principles of Co-Operation

Cooperative Principles The cooperative principles are guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice. Voluntary and Open Membership Cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination. Democratic Member Control Cooperatives are democratic organisations

Published on : September 28, 2020
District & Sub-Division Offices

District & Sub-Division Offices with Officers attached. Sl. No. Name Designation District/ Sub-Division Remarks 1 Shri. Imnanukshi Ao Jt. RCS Dimapur 2 Shri. V. Mathew Angami ARCS Dimapur 3 Shri. Tsipongse Anar SRCS Dimapur Attached to ARCS Office, Kiphire. 4 Smti. Talikala Jamir ARCS Kohima 5 Shri. Imtionen DRCS Mokokchung 6 Smti. Bisarila L. Sangtam

Published on : February 24, 2025

Cooperative movement in Nagaland initially started with the establishment of two Cooperatives, Kohima Pioneers MPCS Ltd. at Kohima and Ao Trading Cooperative Society Ltd. at Mokokchung in the year 1946. They were registered under the government of Assam and local Cooperative Officers were also posted by the then Assam Government. However, the real effort for

Published on : October 28, 2020
Brief Overview

Cooperative Society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It imbibes the value of self-help, self-dependent, democracy, equality and solidarity. The concept of Cooperation has been accepted by all segments of people as non-violent, participatory and democratic

Published on : August 17, 2020
Published on : October 28, 2020
Published on : August 5, 2020
Policies & Objectives

Departmental policies. The central and the State Government accepted Cooperative Movement as a means for economic development and is a via media of “ism” between capital and socialism. Cooperative Movements in the country becomes a State subject with the enhancement of reformed Cooperative Societies Act, 1919. To this end State formulate policies, evolve programmes, and

Published on : August 4, 2020
Published on : September 3, 2020
Mission & strategies

Our Mission: “Strengthening the People for Economic Self-Reliance”   Strategies. The State Government through the Cooperative Department continue to play a pivotal role in the promotion of Cooperative sector through genuine Cooperative entrepreneurship evolving into a mechanism of resource mobilization, regular income generation, gainful employment and wealth creation. To operate cooperative in the true spirit,

Published on : August 4, 2020

Statutory Functions of the Department. Registration, supervision, assistance, counsel and control of registered cooperatives societies. Audit, Inspection, Arbitration and Liquidation. Control over Cooperative Education and Training. Development of Cooperative Movement and Human Resource. Implementation of various schemes including NCDC & ICDP. Recovery of loan Such other duties and responsibilities as may be provided under the

Published on : August 4, 2020

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