Message of the Shri. Kaito Aye, Hon’ble Minister, Agriculture & Cooperation On the occasion of the 67th All India Cooperative Week Celebration
Cooperative Week
Cooperative Week
The Names, Designations and Other Particulars of the Public Information Officers Appellate Authority (Secretariat) Sl.No. Name Designation S.T.D. code Phone No. Fax E. Mail Address Office Home Mobile 1. Shri. Zarenthung Ezung, IAS Commissioner & Secretary 0370 Cooperation Department, Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima The Names, Designations and Other Particulars of the Public Information Officers …
Cooperative Society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It imbibes the value of self-help, self-dependent, democracy, equality and solidarity. The concept of Cooperation has been accepted by all segments of people as non-violent, participatory and democratic …
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