The department of cooperation has taken the initial steps to concretize the much desired convergence program of agri and allied activities through the organization of specialized and department specific cooperative societies. Convergence of Agri Department’s organic initiatives, livelihood programs of NERLP ,bee keeping activities of NBHM, common service centres under I.T department etc, resulted in framing of specialized byelaws and registering these cooperatives as legal entities under the Nagaland Cooperative Societies Act 2017. So far the following numbers of cooperative societies under convergence programme has been registered:


Sl. Type of cooperative society Nodal department/agency Total registered
1 FPO cooperatives/ organic Agriculture department 16
2 Livelihood cooperatives NERLP 14
3 Apiary & bee keeping cooperatives NBHM 5
4 Common service centre cooperatives I.T. 1
5 Integrated cooperatives/ one village- one cooperative Village authorities 65


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