The Nagaland State Dairy Co-operative Federation (NSDCF) Ltd. was set up in the year 2002 as an Apex body for implementation of Dairy Development activities in the State of Nagaland. The NSDCF Ltd. is registered under Assam Co-operative Societies Acts, 1949(Act 1 of 1950) vide registration No. NL/5809 dated 12th March 2002.  NSDCF Ltd. is a state level organisation consisting of three Milk Producers’ Co-operative Unions of Dimapur (DDMPCU); Kohima (KDMPCU) & Mokokchung (MDMPCU).  So far, 120 Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) has been organised in the state. Since the date of inception, the dairy development activities in the State is being carried out replicating the “Anand Pattern” (AMUL) with the theme “Production by Mass”.


Promote and Strengthen dairy development activities in the State of Nagaland.


The Nagaland State Dairy Co-operative Federation Ltd. is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD) as per the Bye-laws. The BoD at present consists of 21 members representing Milk Unions and DCS in addition to the representatives from related Organizations/ State Government Departments. The Administrative Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services is the Chairman of BoD on the basis of an interim MoU executed between the organisation and the department.  All policy decision is taken by the BoD as per its Bye-laws in the interest of the organization.

The Dept. of A.H. & V.S. has been providing logistic support in terms of manpower and services in terms of Veterinary health care; AI and related infrastructure. Presently, the organisation has 18 employees whose salaries are borne by the management. The Organisation/Federation generates its income by marketing Milk and Milk Products, Concentrate Cattle Feed and packaged drinking water.


Status of Dairy Cooperatives: (2020-21)

Sl. No. Particulars Qty.
1 No. of DCS organized (Nos.) 120
2 No. of DCS functional (Nos.) 71
3 Producers Members (‘000 numbers) 4358
4 Active Pourer members (‘000 numbers) 2203


Annual Production & Marketing during the block year 2020-21 (NSDCF Ltd.)

Sl. No. Particulars Qty.
1 Total Procurement (‘000 Litres) 0.739
2 Pasteurized Toned Milk Production  (‘000’ litres) 1.117
3 Lassi production (‘000 Litres) 3.720
4 Misti Dahi (‘000 Litres) 0.892
5 Ice-cream (‘000 Litres) 0.113
6 Paneer (‘000 kgs) 1675.75
7 Ghee production (‘000 kgs) 732.75
8 Peda (‘000 Kgs) 83.50
9 Balanced Cattle Feed produced  (’000 kgs) 350.00
10 Packaged Drinking Water (‘000 Litres) 2.70



Primary activity of the organisation is to facilitate marketing of milk produced by dairy farmers.

  1. Organise village level societies: Organise Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS)/Women Dairy Co-operative Societies (WDCS) and promote such organisation at grass root level to operate under business mode.
  1. Organise Milk Route:

Facilities are created for collection of milk at village level DCS and the milk by setting up Bulk Coolers with shed construction and office for DCS in strategic locations for the convenience of the producer farmers. Raw milk so collected are procured and transported to Dairy Processing Plants for marketing.

  1. Support service to dairy producers

The established support mechanism is as follows:

  • Breed improvement to enhance productivity: Artificial Insemination (AI) facility is made by utilizing the available infrastructure facility under the Dept. of animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services (AH & VS) and Nagaland Livestock Development Board (NLDB). Trained A.I. workers carry out the A.I. using the LN2 facility of NLDB. Cattle induction for breed improvement is being carried out depending on availability of funding.
  • Credit linkage: Aimed at maintaining productivity, nutritionally balanced cattle feed is manufactured by NSDCF Ltd. Such concentrate feed is made available to the dairy farmers on credit sale. Credit linkage is also extended to farmers for fodder development. Additionally complete feed block are also made available to farmers on credit.
  • Disease Control & Health Care: Vaccination against FMD, BQ, HS & Brucellosis is carried out on regular basis by coordinating with the AH&VS Dept. Similarly health care coverage is provided by coordinating with the available Veterinary Health Centre (VHC) under the AH&VS Dept.
  1. Marketing & Sales promotion

Raw milk procured from DCS are treated and processed for production of Toned Milk, Yoghurt, Paneer, Ghee, Lassi and Ice-cream. Milk & Milk products are distributed through authorized Dealers for retail sale in various outlets. Currently milk products are being marketed in Dimapur, Kohima & Mokokchung districts of Nagaland, and Lumding, Hojai, Jorhat, Sibsagar&Dergaon in Assam.

Cold Chain facility in term of Vici-Coolers, Deep Freezers are provided to outlets as per fund availability.  Advertisement and sales promotion activities need additional support for further improvement in order to facilitate marketing of the entire quantity of milk currently under production by the states dairy farmers.

  1. Training & Skill Development

Training and awareness camp are conducted in regular intervals. Dairy farmers are trained on dairy cattle management, Clean Milk Production, A.I. techniques, & First Aid Health Care. Manpower development is carried out by training DCS personnel on society management, record keeping and accounting. Orientation programs are provided to dairy farmers & Board of Directors of the Federation.



The available infrastructure is tabulated as under.

Sl. No. Milk collection and processing infrastructure Capacity Quantity
1 Dairy Processing Plants 3
  Central Dairy Plant, Dimapur (DIMUL) 10 TLPD
  Capital Dairy Plant, Kohima (MILKCON) 2 TLPD
2 Mini Dairy Plant, Mokokchung (MILKCON)  1 TLPD
3 Ice Cream Plant, Dimapur 500 LPD 1
4 Milk Chilling Plant   1 TLPD 4
5 Bulk Milk Cooler 500 LPD 11
6 Bulk Milk Cooler 200 LPD 4
7 Cattle Feed Plant 2.0 TPH 2
8 Complete Feed Block Unit, Kohima 2.0 TPH 1
9 Packaged Drinking Water Plant, Kohima 1000 LPH 1

TLPD = Thousand liters per day;         TPH = Tonne per hour; LPH = Liters per hour

 Milk Production: (Benchmark Survey Report 2018, NDDB)

Aggregate milk production in the five districts of Dimapur, Kohima, Mokokchung, Peren & Phek combined has been estimated at 1.5 lakh litres per day with producers’ surplus at about 1.3 lakh litres per day and net surplus of milk at 1.0 lakhs per day. Out of the total 1,41,298 households under the five districts only 11% household were milch animal owning households (MAH). Per capita availability of milk for Nagaland is 84 gms/day.


District Villages (Nos.) Total HH (Nos.) MAH (Nos.) Milk Prod (LPD) Producers Surplus (LPD) Net Surplus (LPD)
Dimapur 219 36,505 6,848 45,977 38,282 30,017
Kohima 105 27,636 2,681 50,750 47,208 39,586
Mokokchung 107 29,960 1,845 17,958 15,803 11,538
Peren 102 15,615 2,275 14,710 12,478 9,272
Phek 117 31,582 2,411 21,245 18,379 13,217
Total 650 141,298 16,060 150,640 132,150 103,630


Dairy Profile: (Benchmark Survey Report 2018, NDDB)

Particulars Dimapur Kohima Mokokchung Peren Phek 5 Districts
HH/ village (Nos.) 167 263 280 153 270 217
MAH/ village (Nos.) 31 26 17 22 21 25
% MAH 19 10 6 15 8 11
Milk prod./ MAH (LPD) 7 19 10 6 9 9
Producers surplus/ MAH (LPD) 6 18 9 5 8 8
Milk prod./ village (LPD) 210 483 168 144 182 232
Producer surplus/ village (LPD) 175 450 148 122 157 203
Net surplus/ village (LPD) 137 377 108 91 113 159
% Producer surplus 83 93 88 85 87 88
% Net surplus 65 78 64 63 62 69



During the current financial year 2020-21, the NSDCF Ltd. has undertaken the following activities as given below: 

During the current financial year 2020-2021 , The Nagaland State Dairy Cooperative Federation Ltd. Has undertaken the following activities as given below:

  1. In compliance to the Government of India and State Government directives during total lockdown period for Covid- 19 Pandemic in the State ,the NSDCF Ltd. Was ceaselessly sacrificing the service for the welfare of the Dairy farmers and Consumers by supplying cattle feeds and collecting raw Milk from Dairy Farmers/ DCS and marketed its products to meet the customers demand under high risk situation as shown below. Particulars Qty.  in lakh litres /kgs


Total Milk Procurement 4.89
  2.        Total Milk Processing 6.51
  3. Total Milk Marketing 6.51
  4. Packaged drinking water(20 litre jars) Marketed 1.20
  5. Balanced Cattle  Feeds 0.72


  1. Cold Chain facility in terms of VICI Cooler and Deep Freezer were provided to Milk Booths/Retail shops on subsidized rate during Lockdown period of Covid-19 Pandemic.


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