Cooperative Society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. It imbibes the value of self-help, self-dependent, democracy, equality and solidarity.

The concept of Cooperation has been accepted by all segments of people as non-violent, participatory and democratic enterprise to improve the socio-economic condition of the people in general and weaker section of the community in particular through Cooperative ventures.


Cooperative movement in the State dates back to the year 1946 when two Cooperative Societies one each in Kohima and Mokokchung were established. Records reveal that these Societies were functioning satisfactorily until their activities were interrupted by the disturbed situation in the State. Local Cooperative Officers were also posted by the then Assam Government even earlier than 1950’s. However, the real effort for organizing the Cooperative movement in the State was made only after Nagaland attained statehood in 1963. After the establishment of the Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Nagaland in the year 1966 by bifurcating from Agriculture Department, the State Government had acknowledged the role of cooperative form of organization that could play a very useful role in establishment and promotion of economic and social democracy and in the implementation of democratic planning with the ideal of a welfare state. Much importance is given emphasizing cooperative movement in our State as mass movement for socio-economic up-liftment of our rural people enabling them to have a feeling of self-reliance which is of basic importance in a democratic way of life.


The Assam Cooperative Societies Act.1949 and the Assam Cooperative Societies Rules 1953 are currently enforced in Nagaland, However, effort are being made to formulate our own Act and Rules.


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