National Cooperative Union Of India Cooperative Education Field Project (Cefp), Kohima, Nagaland:



The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) is an apex Cooperative organization representing the entire Indian Cooperative Movement established in 1929. The Cooperative Education Field Project was introduced in Nagaland in 2002 with its Head Office at New Delhi. The project is functioning with 6 (six) Project Staff headed by the Project Officer. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Nagaland is the Chairman of the Project Coordination Committee.



The main objectives of the Project is to promote and develop the cooperative movement, to educate, guide and assist the people in their efforts to build up and expand the cooperative sector and to serve as an exponent of Cooperative opinion in accordance with basic Cooperative Principles. Trainings on Skill Development, Income Generation, Health and Social Awareness, Entrepreneurships and Business Development Plan are being imparted to the Cooperatives and Self Help Groups (SHG).  In furtherance of these objectives, the project also organises and promotes Self Help Groups for socio-economic sustenance and brings all round development of the weaker section by linking with Banks, allied Government Departments and Developmental Agencies.

The Project activities are divided mainly into four (4) parts :

  1. Educational/developmental activities:Aims at strengthening and developing cooperative societies with sound Democratic character and strong financial base.
  1. Farm/technical guidance activities: Aims at increasing farm production by adopting improved farm technology.
  1. Socio- developmental activities: Aims at increasing functional literacy/adult education, better living conditions health care, family welfare, drinking water facilities.
  1. Women development activities: Aims at involvement of women in cooperatives as well as promoting the women cooperatives exclusively and through them raising their socio-economic conditions.


Programmes Conducted during  2020-2021



Name of Programmes No. of Program Participants Women
1. Skill Development Program on Deter- gent washing powder and cleaning gel. 3 30 25
2. Mushroom cultivation 1 10 10
3. Mixed pickle making. 3 64 58
4. Income Generation Programme 5 40 40
5. Workshop on Motivation for Youth in Cooperatives 3 15 5
6. Leadership Development Program 2 20 4
7. Formation of new SHG 11 115 105



i) Cooperative Education Programs and meetings.

ii) Health & Social Awareness

iii) Environment Protection

iv) Women Development

iv)  Farm Guidance

As per NCUI Guidelines
9. No. of adopted Cooperative Societies assisted under ICDP scheme till 2020     07
10. Total No. of adopted PACS (Primary Agriculture Coop. Society)     32
11. State/ National Level Seminar Conference/ Trainings. (Virtual)     4
12. Collaborating Programmes with other Allied Department and Agencies (RD, Cooperation, Agriculture, ATMA, RD, SIRD, NCCE, IFFCO, SEWA, NSCB, DPDB, Military Army, and Village level Panchayats etc.)      9




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