The National Cooperative Union of India is the apex organization in the country which is the member of International Cooperative Alliance in the world. The NCUI-CEFP was launched in Kohima district in April 2002. In the year 2008, NCUI-CEFP adopted Chipobozou block and has adopted new PACS and promoted 6 SHGs. So far, 30 PACS have been revitalized and 26 SHGs have been converted to Cooperative Societies and has organized 116 SHGs till date. Further in collaboration with NSCB Ltd., NRB and State Bank of India, 18 SHGS have availed KCC loan since inception of the project.

Currently, the NCUI-CEFP Kohima branch is headed by Smti. V. Elizabeth as Project Officer In-charge and aided by 6 (six) staffs of various ranks. Some of the normal programmes that were undertaken during the year (2013-14) are:

  1. Conducted 3 Leadership Development Programmes at Jotsoma, Jakhama and Chiephobozou.
  2. Conducted 4 Skill Development training at Phesama, Agri colony Kohima and Jotsoma village.
  3. Organised Farmers Exposure Tour to Dimapur on 6th March 2014 and visited ICAR Medziphema, Floriculture unit at Sovima and Bamboo Research units.
  4. Organised two motivations meeting on 18th Feb 2014 at Tseminyu and at Kidima on 16th Nov 2013.

5 Organised One Day District Level Conference on HIV/AIDS and Environmental Protection Awareness on 10th Nov 2013 at NCUI/CEFP office Kohima.

  1. Organised one day skill development training on wood carving at Secu Zubza on 19th Oct 2013.
  2. Organised and guided 4 cooperatives societies and 2 SHGS and participated 10 days State Level Exhibition Cum sales during Horn Bill Festival at Kisama (from 1st Dec to 10th Dec to 10th Dec 2013 )
  3. Organised one day Mushroom cultivation training on 7th Nov 2013.



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